Thursday, October 25, 2007

Why New Orleans will never recover

The city of New Orleans may never recover if it continues to perpetuate some of the same ideals that put on on such a horrible state before Katrina. Yesterday was busy for the city as some important political events unfolded. State Sen. Derrick Shepherd is being accused of being involved with a money laundering scheme with a convicted felon. (click here to see the New Orleans "Times Picayune" story) Sen. Shepherd, in a public announcement, made statements that the FBI was also investigating State Rep. Karen Carter, US Rep. William Jefferson(Duh-HE IS CURRENTLY INDICTED FOR 16 COUNTS OF BRIBERY AND CORRUPTION), and New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin. Hey Senator, the Feds don't call you out unless they have some pretty good evidence. Act like a man, stop trying to deflect the blame and either confess or start explaining to the people you represent why you are innocent. AND JUST SAYING "I AM INNOCENT" DOES NOT COUNT. Now from bad to worse. Two developments with a District Attorneys Office that is already had its share of blame. First, DA Eddie Jordan lost a discrimination lawsuit stemming from the firing of 36 DA employees. DA Jordan assumes that the cash strapped city should pay for his ignorance (Click here to see the "Times - Picayune story). Some good did come from this, city council members showed some type of leadership by telling Jordan that he will more than likely have to find his own money(Thank God someone finally showed some initiative from a portion of City Government). Also the good DA had an Armed Robbery Suspect come to his house just after crashing the getaway vehicle. The very next day the New Orleans Police believe the same individual shot a police officer and his wife while robbing the policeman's home. The DA stated that the boy told him he had been in an accident and that is why he did not suspect anything. QUESTION: If someone came from an accident scene, passing more than 2 houses to get to yours, wouldn't you suspect something? DA Jordan also took his time notifying NOPD of the accident, which leaves me to ask "WHY?" If someone appeared at my house with the claim they had been in an accident, I would call the cops ASAP, regardless of whether they told me the authorities had already been notified. In this story that broke last week on WDSU Channel 6, we learn that Jordan's girlfriend was with the suspect and another man in Baton Rouge the day before he arrived at Jordan's house. This is the kind of stupidity that is keeping New Orleans down. More importantly, the people who elected these individuals are also to partially blame. This behavior of ignorance is the reasons that led to the state we were in before, during, and after Katrina. Until the public learns that these people do not care about them, and just want the power of the office, the city of New Orleans will continue to flounder.

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